Deviled Eggs
Megan and Elliott don’t like mayo, I don’t like curry, Stuart likes everything, so finding a recipe we can all agree on is hard. This is it. The recipe is easy.
Servings: 6 (2 halves per person)
6 hard-boiled eggs
1 T. capers, diced
1 T. Dijon mustard
2 T. mayonnaise
1 t. Worcestershire Sauce
Salt and pepper to taste
Paprika (optional)
1. Peel and halve the eggs. Remove the yolks and place in a bowl, being careful to preserve the white without rips or other damage.
2. Mash the yolks, then add the minced capers, and next 3 ingredients (mustard through Worcestershire Sauce.)
3. Add salt and pepper to taste. Using a small ice cream scoop, or a tablespoon, spoon a dollop of the yolk mixture into the cavities of each white. Lightly sprinkle with paprika and serve.