Beet, Orange and Fennel Salad

This is a lovely, light salad, particularly if you can use oranges picked from your tree, and beets and fennel from your daughters garden.

Servings: 4-6


  • 2  oranges

  • 1 fennel bulb

  • 3 golden beets, roasted, peeled and cut in quarters

  • 2 t. orange juice

  • 2 T. orange infused olive oil

  • 2 t. balsamic vinegar

  • ½ t. salt

  • ¼ t. pepper

  • 8 – 12 butter leaf lettuce leaves

  • ½ cup crumbled blue cheese

  • ¼ cup pistachios

Chef’s Tip: You can use red beets, but they will change the color of the salad, as well as substituting cheese and nuts for alternates.


1.  Using a paring knife, cut the peel off of the oranges, being sure to remove all the pith.  Holding the orange over a bowl, cut down between membrane of each section and separate out the meat of the orange from the membrane.  Let the juice drip into the bowl. Place the orange sections into another, large bowl.

2. Cut off the stems and feathery leaves from the fennel bulb.  Discard the outer layer of the bulb if it is tough.  Quarter the bulb lengthwise and cut away any tough base portions.  Cut the fennel into slices about ¼ inch thick and add to large bowl.

3.  Add the beets to the bowl, along with 2 t. of reserved orange juice, the orange infused olive oil, the balsamic vinegar and salt and pepper.  Stir to coat.

4.  Place 2 lettuce leaves on individual plates.  Spoon the beet mixture onto the lettuce leaves, dividing equally.  Spoon any remaining liquid left in the bowl over the salad.  Sprinkle with the cheese and pistachios.  Serve.


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